Something Greater


This Sunday, doing our best to follow all the safety protocols, we will begin gathering in-person again. Knowing that all will not, a number can not, and some should not come to an in-person gathering, we will continue to pre-record our service and post them online until full opening and our return to the new normal. After that, we will record and place the sermon online after Sunday. Since we will be reopening for an in-person meeting, this will be my last CV19Daily.


This morning, our Tuesday 6:00 am men’s Bible study, via Zoom, focused on Matthew 12. Three times in that chapter, Jesus told his audience that “something greater” was here. In verse 6, he explained that something greater than the Sabbath was here. In verse 41, something greater than Jonah’s ministry to Nineveh was here. And finally, in verse 42, something greater than God’s provision of wisdom to Solomon was here. To what was he referring? He was referring to himself as the promised Messiah.


With riots and pandemic all around us, we must not forget that Jesus is greater than all our problems! He is greater than all our sins! He is greater than all our needs! Gazing too long at the media can cause our grasp of the surpassing greatness of Jesus to fade. Read and watch the media long enough to have an adequate grasp of current events, then turn your eyes to the one greater than everything else, Jesus!


Posted by Ron Lawler

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was a teen. A friend had invited me to attend church to help out in a Sunday School attendance drive. At the end of the worship service I asked the Pastor how I could know for sure I would go to Heaven. He had someone show me from the Scriptures how to receive Christ and from that day to this, I have had an assurance of Christ as my Savior and Heaven as my eternal home.

Within a few weeks I sensed a building desire to enter into full time ministry. My church observed me and confirmed the call. Upon graduation from High School, I enrolled in Bible College and I have been in ministry ever since. I was ordained to the ministry by my home church in Texas in 1974. It has been my privilege to be Pastor of Preaching and Teaching at Family Bible since 2005.

Cheryl and I were married in 1973. God has blessed us with two children, Rachel and David, and four grandsons.

Favorite part of ministry? - Researching and discussing questions about the Bible.

Favorite verse? - "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

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